Union Members!
The grill will be on, there will be music and field day games, and the kids (and adults!) will have plenty of fun!
Join us for our Labor Day End-of Summer Barbecue!
Date: Saturday, September 10, 2022
( Rain date: September 17
Time: 11am to 5pm
Where: Valley Stream State Park, Long Island, NY
Family and friends are invited. BYOB!
Vegan and gluten free options available.
You must R.S.V.P. by August 31st by filling out this form (also accessible via the QR code attached in this email): https://forms.gle/
Bring chairs, picnic blankets, sunscreen and bug spray. There is a parking fee of $8. No car? We will coordinate pickups from the Valley Stream LIRR train station.
Volunteers needed! Let us know if you can help plan food and drinks, kids activities, or offer rides in the survey above.
See you there!