Executive Board

Olivia Duong

Olivia Duong


Tour 0700×1500
Room 516

When we organize, we win.

Daphne M

Daphne M

Vice President

Tour 0800×1600
Room 322

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right. 

John Gilligan

John Gilligan


Tour 0700X 1500
Room 343


Alexys Benson

Alexys Benson

Recording Secretary

Tour 0900×1700
Room 518


Normisha Evans

Normisha Evans

Safety Officer

Tour 0800×1600
Room 422

Where there’s people there’s power

 Ashley Kuptsow

Ashley Kuptsow

Communications Officer

Tour 0800X 1600
Room 514

Keep passing on positivity

Shop Stewards

Yanitza Osorio

Yanitza Osorio

Chief Shop Steward

Email: yjosorio0711@gmail.com

Daniel Santamaria Outeiral

Daniel Santamaria Outeiral

Jeff Suckow

Jeff Suckow

Email: jsuckowL3778@gmail.com

Ashley Kuptsow

Ashley Kuptsow

Daph M

Daph M

Misha Evans

Misha Evans

Email: Ne92559n@gmail.com
Michael Zboray

Michael Zboray

Previous Eboard Members

 Donique Berry

Donique Berry


There were more people I genuinely liked being around than there were people I couldn’t stand, and that’s just a fact.

Tasha Johnson

Tasha Johnson

2nd Vice President

In union, there is strength

Michael Crowe

Michael Crowe

Safety Officer


Rachel Lauth

Rachel Lauth

Recording Secretary

Taking notes like it’s my job! Oh wait…

Bernardine Lopez

Bernardine Lopez

Vice President

When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.

Brianna Bell

Brianna Bell



 Daniel Santamaria Outeiral

Daniel Santamaria Outeiral


Nothing worth having comes easy

Emily Shulruff

Emily Shulruff

2nd Vice President

Don’t be busy, be productive