Congratulations to Local 3778 Delegates! We are thrilled to announce that our dedicated delegates, Olivia Duong, Daphne Marvis and Yanitza Osorio from Local 3778 will be attending the 2024 biennial convention of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal...

Eboard Nominations 2024-2027

Good evening brothers and sisters,   Yesterday March 28, 2024, I held the nominations meeting for Local 3778’s eboard. Below are the results:   President: Olivia Duong 1st Vice President: Daphne Marvis 2nd Vice President: Benjamin Torres Treasurer: John Gilligan...

DC37 Lobby Day 2024

On Tuesday, March 12th 2024, our local president Olivia Duong went all the way up to Albany for AFSCME DC37’s lobby day. Scroll through to see what happened and how you as a member can be...

Labor Day Parade 2023

Huge shoutout to president Olivia Duong for representing the local at the Labor Day Parade over the weekend! She walked with L375 chapter 13 president Rebecca Freed along with other DC37 locals. If you are interested in joining local 3778 at the next parade/protest,...

Marihuana Usage by Members of the Service

Brothers and sisters, on July 13, 2022, NYPD sent out a department-wide notice with the context of a marihuana legalization in effect in New York State .  MEMBERS OF THE SERVICE ARE ADVISED THAT ALL EXISTING DEPARTMENT POLICIES THAT PROHIBIT THE USE OF MARIJUANA...