Please contact the following number for any information on the coronavirus (COVID-19). This number is provided by the New York State Department of Health. 1-888-364-3065

Please read below for information about the corona virus. This is provided to us by Vice president Bern Lopez:

I attended a MLC (Municipal Labor Committee) emergency meeting on 2/20/20 regarding coronavirus preparedness hosted by the Commissioner of OLR, Renee Campion, and Dr. Blank, Assistant Commissioner NYC Department of Health.

Although this is very fluid situation, as of 2/19/20, there are no confirmed cases in NYC.

Some important points:

  • Face masks are not recommended for healthy individuals
  • Wash your hands with soap and water (20 seconds) preferably, or use hand sanitizer in absence of soap and water
  • Cover your cough or sneeze by using your elbow- not your hand or a tissue
  • If you are sick, please stay home
  • Influenza is still around, so get the flu vaccine  [At a time when many are rightly concerned about the novel coronavirus (2019nCoV) — of which there are 11 confirmed cases in the United States as of Monday — the CDC is also warning citizens not to drop their guard about influenza, which has caused at least 19 million illnesses, 180,000 hospitalizations, and 10,000 deaths so far this season: ]

It is strongly recommended to check on the State Department website before travelling outside the US and the CDC, the WHO, and NYC Department of Health for continuing updates.

DCAS memo covers the what-if scenarios for quarantines. If you are detained, you will get an excused absence and not lose sick time up to 14 days, full pay.

Click on the follow links to read a fact sheet or powerpoint

Fact Sheet: Coronavirus fact sheet

Powerpoint: Coronavirus PPT