The City of New York’s Vaccine Command Center is inviting you to join a virtual town hall event, featuring Dr. Jay Varma, Senior Public Health Advisor to the Mayor, for the latest information about the COVID-19 vaccine. This will be an excellent opportunity for New York City staff to learn more about the vaccines, vaccine safety, and how/where they are being distributed and have the opportunity to ask questions.

This event will be held on multiple occasions to accommodate varying employee schedules.

  • Friday, January 15th at 11am
  • Tuesday, January 19th at 1pm
  • Wednesday, January 20th at 7pm
  • Thursday, January 21st at 6pm
  • Monday, January 25th at 6pm

Questions will be accepted in advance, and Dr. Varma and DOHMH staff will address as many as possible during the event. Please submit your questions through this link by 8am on the day of the briefing you plan to attend. Dial-in here at the time of the call: 866-976-6361. If you have any issues dialing in, please try this number instead: 443-456-9000.

As always, we are grateful for your service to New York City during this unprecedented crisis, and we thank you for your dedication and partnership as we work to end the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ahead of the event, to learn more:

Our vaccine media campaign is live! Use our social media kit to amplify these important messages, including #IGotTheShotNYC and #NYCVaccineForAll