Members! The local president of 1407 is inviting local 3778 to join in on the celebration! See below for information:
Dear Local 1407 Members, Friends and Family:
Please join this Wednesday at 6:00 PM as we celebrate virtually the Black History Month with a theme, “Yes We Can – Breaking Barriers”.
The Hon. Hakeem Jeffries, Chair of the Democratic Caucus will deliver the Keynote speech while our own Executive Director Henry Garrido, President Shaun D. Francois I, Charles Jenkins, President CBTU NYC Chapter among many will be speaking.
Here is the link to join on Zoom:
Just enter ID: 81307042409 by Phone: 646-558-8656
Come and join to celebrate Black History while enjoying speeches, Poetry, Drums, Dance, and prayers. Stay safe, God bless!
In Solidarity,
Maf Misbah Uddin
President of Local 1407